Friday, December 27, 2019
Requisitos para cancelar deportación de Estados Unidos
La cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n o remocià ³n es una de las formas de alivio que pueden solicitar los migrantes para evitar su expulsià ³n de Estados Unidos. Pueden solicitar esta medida de gracia tanto los residentes permanentes legales, es decir, los que tienen una green card, como el resto de los migrantes, incluidos los indocumentados. En cada caso los requisitos son distintos. En este artà culo se informa sobre cuà ¡les son los requisitos para solicitar la cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n y cà ³mo se prueban, cuà ¡les son los trà ¡mites y quà © sucede si se obtiene su aprobacià ³n. Solicitud de cancelacià ³n de deportacià ³n pedida por residente permanente legal Los residentes permanentes que son condenados por cierto tipo de delitos son automà ¡ticamente colocados en un proceso de deportacià ³n. En estos casos, los migrantes pueden solicitar la cancelacià ³n cuando se cumplen todos los siguientes requisitos: Haber vivido en EEUU por 7 aà ±os consecutivos como residente legal.No haber sido arrestado y condenado por ningà ºn delito en los primeros 5 aà ±os de residencia Solicitud de cancelacià ³n de deportacià ³n por migrante que no es residente permanente En este caso, se deberà ¡ cumplir todos los siguientes requisitos: Tener abierto un proceso de deportacià ³n. Es decir, no se puede pedir la cancelacià ³n si no hay un trà ¡mite de deportacià ³n en contra.Haber vivido en EEUU por al menos 10 aà ±os de manera continuadaNo haber sido condenado por ningà ºn delito de carà ¡cter inmoral o por una felonà aHaber sido una persona de buen carà ¡cter moral al menos en los diez aà ±os anteriores al inicio del procedimiento de deportacià ³n. Ser padre o madre de un menor de 21 aà ±os, cà ³nyuge, hijo o hija de un ciudadano estadounidense o de un residente permanente legal, siempre y cuando la expulsià ³n del inmigrante pueda provocar extrema dureza al familiar inmediato que està ¡ en el paà s legalmente. Este punto hay que probarlo documentalmente. Documentos para probar presencia en Estados Unidos por al menos 10 aà ±os En el caso de migrantes indocumentados puede ser difà cil probar que se ha vivido en Estados Unidos por ese periodo de tiempo. Se puede presentar cualquier documento que sirva para ese fin, entre otros destacan: Copia del pago de impuestos (tax returns)Rà ©cords de la escuela de los hijosPago de hipotecas, rentas, utilities, cable, telà ©fono, etc.Extractos bancarios En todo caso tener en cuenta que NO podrà ¡n solicitar la cancelacià ³n los migrantes que se encuentran en alguno de los siguientes casos: Haber entrado al paà s como miembro de una tripulacià ³n (visa C1/D)Haber estado en el paà s bajo el amparo de un programa de intercambio (visa J) cuando no se ha cumplido la obligacià ³n de salir de EEUU a su terminacià ³n y pasar un mà nimo de dos aà ±os en el extranjeroha participado de cualquier forma en la persecucià ³n de otras personasya se beneficià ³ con anterioridad de una suspensià ³n o cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n. El caso particular de las và ctimas de la violencia domà ©stica Pueden pedir al juez de inmigracià ³n durante un proceso de deportacià ³n la cancelacià ³n de la misma. Corresponde al juez decidir su concesià ³n. Pueden solicitarla: El cà ³nyuge abusado (hombre o mujer) de un residente permanente o de un ciudadano. Tambià ©n pueden beneficiarse los hijos de la và ctima, aunque estos no hayan sufrido el abuso.Los hijos abusados de un residente permanente o de un ciudadano.La madre o el padre del hijo abusado de un residente permanente o de un ciudadano, aunque el progenitor no haya sido abusado e incluso aunque nunca hayan estado casados la parte abusada y la abusadora o aunque està ©n separados o divorciados.Ademà ¡s, para que le sea concedida la cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n es necesario que la và ctima de violencia domà ©stica haya residido en EEUU por al menos tres aà ±os, sea una persona de buen carà ¡cter moral, no haya sido condenada por una felonà a o delito agravado o haya cometido otro tipo de crimen.Ademà ¡s en el caso de matrimonio, à ©ste no ha podido ser falso, es decir, realizado para conseguir los papeles. Y tampoco la và ctima puede ser un riesgo para la seguridad del paà s.Por à ºltimo, la persona abusada debe demostrar que su expulsià ³n de EEUU la colocarà a en una situacià ³n muy difà cil. Cuà ¡les son los trà ¡mites para la cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n En primer lugar, tiene que haber en marcha un trà ¡mite de deportacià ³n. En segundo lugar, hay que llenar un formulario EOIR 42 - letra A para el caso de residentes permanentes y letra B si se trata de indocumentados. Ademà ¡s hay que pagar la cuota al USCIS que en estos momentos es de $100 mà ¡s $85 para toma de datos biomà ©tricos, si bien se debe confirmar siempre porque puede cambiar en cualquier momento. En tercer lugar, se debe preparar el caso estudiando quà © se va a declarar, quà © documentos se van a presentar, quà © declaraciones juradas de apoyo son convenientes y quà © testigos van a presentarse en Corte. Debe presentarse en corte tanto para la vista del Master Calendar como para la Vista Individual. Quà © puede suceder en la visa en Corte Migratoria El juez es totalmente libre para decidir si concede la cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n o no. Si se concede el migrante serà ¡ un residente permanente legal. Deberà ¡ renovar su residencia cada 10 aà ±os o puede solicitar la ciudadanà a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n cuando cumpla con todos los requisitos. Si no se cancela la deportacià ³n el migrante deberà ¡ abandonar Estados Unidos. A tener en cuenta Los procesos de cancelacià ³n de deportacià ³n no son fà ¡ciles de ganar, por lo que es recomendable contratar a un abogado migratorio especialista en este tipo de procedimientos. Es cierto que para presentarse en Corte de Inmigracià ³n no es necesario contar con un letrado pero la realidad es que las estadà sticas demuestran que los casos los ganan los abogados reputados y honrados. Por esta razà ³n se recomienda buscar en el lugar donde se vive abogados que peleen los casos y que digan la verdad sobre si se tiene oportunidad de ganar o es imposible porque no se cumplen los requisitos que pide la ley. Este es un articulo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Ma is the Man in John Steinbecks The Grapes Of Wrath Essay
A clear concept in John Steinbecks The Grapes Of Wrath was the way families were run. At the beginning of the twentieth century, men led the family. They made the decisions and they made the money for the family while the women worked behind the scenes and kept everything going. What the men did not realize, or did not want to recognize, was that the women were the ones who were really in control. Though they did not take credit for it, they were the ones who bought and cooked the food the men ate, bore and reared the children the men helped create, and did everything they could to make a better life for themselves and their families. This changed once the Dust Bowl struck. Soon after, women took charge of the family affairs and slidâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Theys too much of it to split it up to mens or womens work. You got stuff to do. Let me salt the meat. (Pg.146 - The Grapes of Wrath) I wholeheartedly agree with Casys statement. Work is work, no matter the difficulty or n ature of it. A man should be able to do a womans job, and vice versa. Perhaps the other may even be able to do the job better than the person who did previously. What I find amazing is that women did not even question their place. They just accepted things for the way they were and didnt question why things were like that. It was like they didnt even contemplate the idea that they could have a say in anything at all. Ma is a prime example of this. She has stood in the shadows and discreetly controlled the goings on for her whole life. An example of this is when Casy is being invited to join them on their move. And then he stood, embarrassed by his own speech. Ma looked to Tom to speak, because he was a man, but Tom did not speak. She let him have the chance that was his right, and then she said Why, wed be proud to have you. (Pg. 127) The degradation of women in this quote is clearly evident, and ridiculous. Tom is Mas son, and yet she has to look to him to wait for him to speak b efore she is allowed to voice her opinion because of her gender. Neither age nor the fact that she gave birth to him can give her the right to speak her mind. On the flip side, Ma let him have his right. She let him; as in allowed it toShow MoreRelatedThe Grapes Of Independence By John Steinbeck1489 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Grapes of Independence An image or a thousand words, which is more impacting? For decades now enthusiasts have participated in endless debates over films and novels. Whether it be a novel that is adapted into a film or a film that is converted into a novel, neither of the works will be an exact image of the other. Often the first piece will obtain mass amounts of popularity, thus influencing the production of itself in the opposing format; however, the mass majority of these occurrences endRead MoreSimilarities Between Grapes Of Wrath And Of Mice And Men1271 Words à |à 6 PagesIn any form of written work, the author will give each of the character a set of different characteristics. John Steinbeck is no different. He does, however, gives many of his characters a similar, concurrent trait; that trait is dignity. It can be seen in characters of Steinbeckââ¬â¢s books, The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men. The Grapes of Wrath is about a familyââ¬â¢s journey Oklahoma to California, in hopes of a new life, after being evicted from their previous home. Similarly, Of Mice andRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck Essay1653 Words à |à 7 PagesIn John Steinbeckââ¬â¢s novel The Grapes of Wrath, the hardships of the Great Depression lead the Californians and the Okies to treat each other kindly or harshly, based on their own concerns of the future. Social criticism and class conflict are primary themes in this novel because of the unjust treatment the Californians give to the Okies throughout the story, but this is not the only relationship Steinbeck focuses on. He also writes and explains the relationship among the Okies. Steinbeck was bornRead More Grapes of Wrath Essay: Steinbecks Use of Universal Archetypes1152 Words à |à 5 Pages Use of Universal Archetypes in The Grapes of Wrathnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; John Steinbeck sets his novel The Grapes of Wrath during the Depression of the 1930s. Universal archetypes play a significant role in Steinbeckââ¬â¢s story. Steinbeck creates a cast of characters whose archetypes can be easily related to. The Earthmother, haven versus hell, and the evil figure with the ultimately good heart are archetypes described in The Grapes of Wrath to show the bad and good times during a time ofRead MoreGrapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck3897 Words à |à 16 PagesHave you ever realized that John Steinbeck talked about Religion in his book Grapes of Wrath? Well, if your answer is NO, let me inform you that Steinbeck did talk about Religion in his book. There are many similarities in John Steinbeckââ¬â¢s Grapes of Wrath and Christââ¬â¢s story. In The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck presents religion in different ways ranging from Jim Casyââ¬â¢s similarities to Christ, the use of Christian theology, and the symbolism of some characters as pastors. Throughou t his book, SteinbeckRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1027 Words à |à 5 PagesStates throughout the 1930s and 1940s. John Steinbeck was a prominent author whoââ¬â¢s writing best illustrates California during the Great Depression. John Steinbeck uses his writing to illustrate the social and economic injustice that the common man faced during the The Great Depression. John Steinbeckââ¬â¢s best known novel The Grapes of Wrath, does an excellent job showing generation after generation, what California was like during The Great Depression. John Steinbeck is a native Californian. He wasRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath : The Great Depression1748 Words à |à 7 PagesJamie LoConte Mrs. Viscosi AP Lang. Per. 4 5 April 2017 The Grapes of Wrath: The Great Depression ââ¬Å"Man, unlike any other thing organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts, and emerges ahead of his accomplishmentsâ⬠(Steinbeck). The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck is a classic book read by millions in high school due to its simple prose, clear symbolism, and its heartwarming story of perseverance against the odds. However, this novel is far moreRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Grapes Of Wrath 2169 Words à |à 9 Pages Reoccurrence of a life Lurking underneath Steinbeckââ¬â¢s vivacious verbs and vivid adjectives, the reader can see his vivid, and often, complex characters. Steinbeck does not write specifically about the stories of his life, yet incorporates his own innate feelings into his characters. He institutes archaic animations in his characters that flow through each of his own stories. John Steinbeck s works, include little pieces of himself hidden in the heavy plots. This is also known becauseRead More Symbols and Symbolism in John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath2004 Words à |à 9 PagesSymbols and Symbolism in John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath à à à Symbolism in The Grapes of Wrath is extremely complex, with many images drawn from the Old and New Testaments.à However, Steinbeck as usual was eclectic in his use of symbols, and a great deal of the novel is given to either pagan and universal archetypes, or to highly original meanings unique to the authors own vision and experience.à While acknowledging the Judeo-Christian content, these other symbols are just as importantRead More The Changing Family Revealed in Grapes of Wrath Essay1785 Words à |à 8 PagesThe Changing Family Revealed in Grapes of Wrathà à à à à à à à à The emphasis on family in America is decreasing. Divorce rates, single-parent households, and children born out of wedlock are all increasing. Furthermore, instead of the network of aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, and other relatives that was prevalent in early America, Americans today are more distant from their extended family. As sociologist David Elkind said in a 1996 interview with Educational Leadership, Instead of togetherness
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Deemed Ink Cartridges Manufacturers â⬠Free Samples For Students
Question: How to Explain Deemed Ink Cartridges Manufacturers? Answer: Introducation This is the process of manufacturing the printer ink cartridges, after assembling all raw materials the next step is to produce the output by putting the raw materials into production. Among the output include cartridges, ink, print head, ink casing etc. some of the printer ink cartridges are recycled. This has reduced the cost of production and also make it environmentally friendly. Output The main outputs of Deemed manufacturers are printer ink cartridges, ink, print heads, ink casing. These are the products are vital for the survival of the industry and without being produced the business is rendered non-functional. Success of a manufacturing industry is to produce quality products which can sell in the market. Deemed manufactures are focusing on gaining more markets within and outside the university and this is only made possible by the production of quality products thus meeting the consumers taste and preference. Storage After the production the output may not have a ready market and thus calls for storage of the products as they wait for distribution to various markets. Also what is stored are some of the raw materials required in production. These materials are most important in the production and without them the process of manufacturing cannot progress. Feedback This is the information brought back into the manufacturing sector from the market because of the market requirement. The demand in the market may be cartridges which can be recycled and this calls for more production of such cartridges. Closed Loop System Closed loop system of production aims at a sustainable supply chain which gathers for both economic and environmental goals of the organization thus being in a circular flow. Many negative impacts of production can be avoided if the organization adopt a closed system of production the production is in in a circular flow hence waste management, transport processes and energy consumption can be reduced thus reducing the cost of production. Manufacturing of cartridges uses most of the materials which are plastics and takes a long time to decompose and hence pollutes the environment. Continuous use of coal is harmful to the environment and this calls for good waste management procedures to avoid pollution. Closed loop system looks into production which is environmentally friendly or sustainability of both. This involve circular flow of these materials and the waste is managed properly. This loop system employ a lot from information technology to make it efficient and effective functional ity of this system. The only barrier is the capital required for installation of the new technology is high and only established organization can manage thus rendering young organization not to adopt the loop system of production. Deemed manufacturers aim at producing products which can sustain environment and at the same time economical that is why currently they are focusing on the production of recycled cartridges in which they are brought back by customers to pass again through the process of manufacturing instead of being thrown away as waste. Unsustainability Unsustainability is the likelihood that the future of the organization may not be able to hold because of current threats and weaknesses facing the organization. These threats and weaknesses may pose serious risks to business organization of which if no taken care of leads to total collapse of the business. Some of the threats that pose risks to sustainability of Deemed manufacturers is the coal reserves may be depleted as one of the raw materials of production. Coal being harmful to the environment in case of prolonged use and this pose a great threat towards sustainability of the business. Plastic casing which are used to store ink pose a threat in sustainability of the business i.e. it takes around 450 to 1000 years to be eliminated in the environment. Oil used in transportation of ink may spill over and pose a threat to the environment. Recommendations The business should venture into producing recyclable ink cartridges which can be put back to production process and obtain new cartridges. Continuous use of coal is harmful and thus should use an alternative method to supply power that is electricity. Plastic casing should be reused and not disposed-off after it has been used Should seek new markets from outside Deemed university in order to gain more markets To collate with other organization in order to purchase raw materials in bulk to cut off the cost of production Should open up printing business in order to capture the market which is readily available this enhance diversification of business and thus ensure sustainability. Should focus on closed loop system Use more of electricity as a source of power rather than coal Employ more distributors of the products rather than focusing on manufacturing alone Proper disposal of waste Employ a lot in information technology to brand their products. Allocate more funds on advertisement and promotional activities to gain more markets. Raw materials should be obtain from reliable suppliers who supply immediately after ordering. Barriers To Sustainability Barriers are factors which hinders the organization from becoming competitive and its future unpredictable due to threats posed by environmental factors and even human factors Techology Technology is becoming part of every organization and without efficient and effective technology then the organization will not be able to access information like new market existence, the change in demand of goods and the current change in prices. With current technology one is able to access the most recent innovation in any particular section of production and even the changes in supply chain and logistics. Political Instability Political instability affects organization in terms of conflicting communities and since laborers seek for safety and does not have the incentive to work thus affect production function. In the case of conflicting communities there will be political unrest and even those who purchase your products do not have good times to interact with producers in the market. In case of export the buyers will fear coming to purchase because of insecurity in that country involved. Apart from national politics also the students may be involved in politics and try to put out the business thus its future survival may not be predicted. Social Impacts These can either be positive or negative impacts which the organization has in relation to the social wellbeing. This may include corporate responsibility where the organization arranges rallies and may be hikes for workers and participate in developing the surrounding or participate in projects taking place outside the organization. Deemed manufacturers should be part and parcel of the entire university day to day activities in order to gain reputation of the business and grow largely in its awareness. It should also subsidize the cost of cartridges to enlarge market and outcompete other firms. Sponsoring some of the disadvantaged students within the university will go a greater mile in building a good reputation about the enterprise References Boons, F. and Ldeke-Freund, F., 2013. Business models for sustainable innovation: state-of-the-art and steps towards a research agenda. Journal of Cleaner Production, 45, pp.9-19. Ahi, P. and Searcy, C., 2013. A comparative literature analysis of definitions for green and sustainable supply chain management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 52, pp.329-341. Bocken, N.M.P., Short, S.W., Rana, P. and Evans, S., 2014. A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes. Journal of cleaner production, 65, pp.42-56. Pagell, M. and Shevchenko, A., 2014. Why research in sustainable supply chain management should have no future. Journal of supply chain management, 50(1), pp.44-55. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Outsourcing Seats to Turkey
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of outsourcing on VDL Groupââ¬â¢s supply chain strategy and processes. In addition, a plan to outsource CAD conversion services to Outsource2india will be presented.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Outsourcing Seats to Turkey specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Outsourcing refers to the process of ââ¬Å"contracting with a third-party service provider for the management and completion of a certain amount of work, for a specified length of time, cost, and level of servicesâ⬠(Oshri, Kotlarsky Willcocks 2009, p. 4). The main objective of outsourcing is to enable companies to improve their competitiveness through cost reduction, economies of scale, and flexibility in production (Varadarajan 2008, pp. 1165-1172). VDL is a manufacturing company that was founded in the Netherlands in 1953. The company is organized into four divisions namely, subcontracting, car assembly, bus/ coach, and finished products (VDL 2014). The subcontracting division specializes in mechatronic systems, manufacturing plastics, and surface treatment. The car assembly division produces cars on behalf of other companies. The bus and coach division produces coaches and buses. The finished product division produces several products, which include car suspension systems, heating systems, and production automation systems (VDL 2014). Overall, the group consists of 81 operating companies that specialize in the production of specific products. The group has operations in 18 countries where it employs over 9,100 employees. In 2012, the company realized 1,756 million Euros in revenues (VDL 2014). Impact of Outsourcing VDL has outsourced production of the seats for its cars and buses to a Turkish company referred to as Brusa Seating. Brusa Seating specializes in the design, development, and production of seats, which it sells to original manufacturers of c ommercial vehicles (Brusa 2014). Outsourcing has had the following impacts on VDL. First, outsourcing has enabled the company to adjust the scale and scope of its production capability at a low cost. Given the high competition in the automobile industry, manufacturing companies have had to adopt lean production technologies in order to reduce operating costs. One of the strategies being used by VDL is to produce cars and buses on demand. This means that the company has to adjust its production capacity frequently in order to satisfy existing demand without holding unnecessary inventory or stock of completed buses/ cars. When the demand for buses is high, the company simply increases its order for new seats. This leads to cost savings since the company does not have to invest in new production systems or inventory to produce more seats (Williamson 2008, pp. 5-14). Conversely, when demand for buses is declining, the company orders for fewer seats. As a result, it avoids operating at e xcess capacity, thereby eliminating the costs associated with warehousing and laying off staff during low demand seasons.Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Second, outsourcing enables VDL to concentrate on its core activities, which include assembling cars and manufacturing buses. Undoubtedly, companies cannot pursue excellence in all activities in their value chain due to resource limitations (Liu Nagurney 2011, pp. 539-549). Thus, companies focus on their core competence in order to achieve a competitive advantage. In this context, core refers to the activities that are performed internally, contribute directly to the bottom line, and determine the future of the company. VDLââ¬â¢s core competence is in assembling cars and buses on behalf of third parties. Thus, it outsources the manufacture of car parts such as seats to third party producers where the manufacture of car parts is a core competence. Outsourcing enables companies to focus on activities that add value to their customers (Tayauova 2012, pp. 188-195). At VDL, the value adding activities include product development, research, and provision of technical support to customers. By focusing on these activities, the company has been able to improve the quality of its products, thereby increasing sales, customer satisfaction, and market share. Finally, outsourcing enables VDL to achieve cost advantages through economies of scale. Economies of scale refer to a cost advantage that a company achieves through increased production of a given product (Belcourt 2006, pp. 269-279). Specifically, the fixed cost per unit reduces as the number of units produced rises. Outsourcing enables VDL to achieve economies of scale in several ways. To begin with, it enables the company to increase its production capacity without incurring the fixed costs associated with hiring new employees and holding large inv entories. Outsourcing also enables the company to improve its efficiency by purchasing seats at a favorable price. In particular, Brusa Seating has to supply the seats to VDL at a competitive price in order to maintain the outsourcing contract. Economies of scale enable VDL to reduce the average cost of producing its buses and cars, thereby improving its profit margins. Moreover, low production costs enable VDL to price its products competitively, thereby overcoming competition in the market. Risks and Benefits Benefits First, VDL benefits from access to the capabilities and the expertise of Brusa Seating. The automotive industry is capital intensive and thrives on the application of advanced technologies to achieve product and process innovation. This requires investments in modern production systems and the best talent (Gabriela Clark 2006, pp. 250-253).Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Outsourcing Seats to Turkey specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The automotive industry in the Netherland is underdeveloped due to its high concentration. As a result, access to talent and advanced production technologies is limited. By contrast, Turkeyââ¬â¢s automotive industry consists of numerous large producers who have decades of experience. Thus, outsourcing enables VDL to access advanced technologies and expertise through Brusa Seating (Weidenbaum 2005, pp. 311-315). Second, the company benefits from low labor costs by outsourcing to Brusa Seating. Turkey is ââ¬Å"an emergent market in the new millennium expected to attract the interest of global companies in their attempt to obtain competitive advantagesâ⬠(Aktas et al. 2011, pp. 833-852). One of the main advantages of Turkey is low labor cost. In 2013, the average hourly labor cost in the Netherlands was $34.75, whereas in Turkey the cost was $5 (World Bank 2014). Low labor costs enable Brusa Seating to produce seats for VDL at a low c ost. As a result, VDLââ¬â¢s overall cost of producing buses and cars will reduce in the long-run (Quelin Duhamel 2003, pp. 647-661). Third, VDL has achieved a competitive advantage in the market through outsourcing. The company has achieved a differentiation advantage by contracting Brusa Seating to manufacture its seats. As a specialized seat producer, Brusa Seating focuses on conducting research and development to produce seats that meet the specific needs of its customers. Through product innovation, Brusa Seating has been able to supply VDL with seats that offer more comfort and flexibility than those provided by other companies. Differentiation will enable VDLââ¬â¢s buses to penetrate the market easily. Risks First, outsourcing to a Turkish company exposes VDL to the risk of language barriers. The official language in Turkey is Turkish. Over 90% of Turkeyââ¬â¢s population speaks Turkish. By contrast, Dutch is the official language in the Netherlands and it is used by over 90% of the population. Only 0.06% of the Netherlandââ¬â¢s population can speak Turkish and Arabic. This means that communication is likely to be a problem since the employees of VDL and Brusa Seating are not likely to speak the same language. Undoubtedly, language barriers cause serious challenges such as misunderstandings among business partners. This can lead to costly mistakes such as poor product development and ineffective coordination of supply chain activities (Foogooa 2008, pp. 858-864).Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Second, VDL and Brusa Seating have different levels of skills, expertise, and technical infrastructure. These differences limit the ability of the two companies to collaborate through joint research and development activities. As a strategic partner, VDL has to involve Brusa Seating in its product development initiatives to meet its product quality objectives. However, collaboration during product development will be very difficult if the employees from the two companies have different levels of expertise and skills (Trott 2006, pp. 672-681). For instance, VDLââ¬â¢s employees may not understand the procedures that their counterparts at Brusa Seating use to manufacture seats. Lack of special skills in key areas such as management of people, contracts, and processes will limit VDLââ¬â¢s ability to maintain control over the quality of the seats produced by Brusa Seating (Rottman Lacity 2006, pp. 56-63). Finally, cultural differences between the two companies and their countries of origin can limit their ability work as partners. Culture is an important aspect of every business since it determines the way people think, make decisions, communicate, coordinate, and resolve conflicts. The Netherlands and Turkey have very different cultures. Turkey has a high-context culture in which individuals value reputation, politeness, and tradition rather than clarity. The Netherlands, on the other hand, has a low-context culture where people value individualism and achievement. Given these differences, employees from the two companies are likely to have different expectations about the outsourcing partnership (Barthelemy Geyer 2001, pp. 195-202). The resulting communication gaps or misunderstandings can lead to conflicts that will eventually lead to failure. Outsourcing CAD Conversion Services to Outsource2india Developing and executing an effective outsourcing plan involves following five key steps, which are summarized in figure 1. Based on this framework, VDL should consider the following plan to outsource CAD conversion services to Outsource2india Ltd. Figure 1: Framework for Outsourcing Needs Assessment CAD conversion is the process of transforming hardcopy designs into a computer aided design format to facilitate improved storage, accuracy, and easy modification. As a manufacturer, VDL requires effective CAD conversion services to improve the quality of its services. CAD conversion is a vital process that requires advanced expertise, resources, and a dedicated team of professionals. Thus, VDL will require a significant amount of financial capital and expertise to run its own CAD conversion department. This is likely to shift the focus of the company away from its core activity of assembling cars and buses (Mclvor 2008, pp. 24-34). Since CAD conversion is not a core activity, VDL can outsource tasks such as CAD digitization, conversion to MicroStation, conversion of JPG to DWG, and conversion to AutoCAD to Outsource2india (Mclvor 2008, pp. 24-34). By outsourcing these tasks to an experienced third-party, VDL will benefit from time efficiency, quality work, and better utilization of its resources (Kobelsky Robinson 2010, 105-119). In addition, the company will save the costs associated with hiring and training CAD conversion staff and the cost of operating a CAD department. Proposal and Contracting Outsource2india has core competence in providing CAD conversion services to global firms. The company has a flexible capacity to handle any scope of CAD conversion work (Outsource2india 2014). Its capability is characterized by access to high-end technologies and infrastructure, as well as, the use of the latest software. Additionally, the company has in-built redundancy, which will facilitate quick capacity adjustments in response to an increase in demand (Outsource2india 2014). Outsource2india will provide high quality CAD conversion services due to its ability to access a highly skilled workforce. As a specialist in CAD conversion services, Outsource2india has invested in employees with technical skills and expertise in various aspects of computer aided design. As a result, it will provide custom CAD conversion solutions to suit each projectââ¬â¢s requirements. Outsource2india provides time zone benefits since the company operates 24 hours, seven days a week. Thus, VDL will benefit from quick turnaround time (Samsudin, Hasim Fuzi 2013, pp. 1-8). Moreover, VDL will save up to 50% of its operating costs due to the low labor costs in India (Outsource2india 2014). Thus, the proposal to contract Outsource2india will enable VDL to enjoy both differentiation and cost advantages (Jensen 2011, pp. 311-326). Communication and Change Management At this stage, Outsource2india will collaborate with VDL to articulate the issues associated with outsourcing CAD conversion services. The communication vehicles that will be used include VDL Groupââ¬â¢s newsletters and meetings. The communication activities wil l be used to identify the affected stakeholders and the basis of relationship between Outsource2india and VDL (Tate Ellram 2009, pp. 256-268). In addition, the benefits of outsourcing will be explained to the affected stakeholders to motivate them to support the anticipated changes in organizational design that will occur due to outsourcing CAD conversion services (Oshri, Kotlarsky Willcocks 2009, pp. 94-112). Transition Management This stage will involve establishing the transition governance system to align the objectives and strategies of VDL to Outsource2indiaââ¬â¢s delivery system (Mani, Barua Whinston 2006, pp. 15-28). The change control process will be implemented to address emerging risks (Oshri, Kotlarsky Willcocks 2009, pp. 94-112). In addition, the timeline for completing the work and the expected deliverables will be clarified at the transition stage. Training programs will be implemented to facilitate knowledge transfer from Outsource2india to VDL. Moreover, rela tionship management initiatives will focus on promoting effective coordination of supply chain activities between Outsource2india and VDL (Oshri, Kotlarsky Willcocks 2009, pp. 94-112). Service Stabilization The transition team will be in charge of the service stabilization stage to ensure that the expected deliverables are achieved. Outsource2india will focus on delivering the CAD conversion services as required by VDL. The relationship governance structure will be used to resolve any issues that might arise during the provision of the outsourced services (Dolgui Proth 2013, pp. 6769-6777). Recommendations According to the agency theory, outsourcing contracts are likely to face significant challenges if the vendor and the client have different goals. Outsourcing is likely to fail if the client is not able to measure the vendorââ¬â¢s output (Ryan Delgado-Sanchez 2009, pp. 52-71). Moreover, opportunistic vendors will always take advantage of the loopholes in the outsourcing cont ract to fulfill their goals at the expense of their clients. In order to avoid these challenges, VDL should use an outcome-based contract where the vendors are paid according to their achievements. This will shift the risks associated with the contract to the vendor, thereby encouraging high productivity (Logan 2000, pp. 27-30). VDL should control vendorsââ¬â¢ opportunistic behaviors by increasing its involvement in the production of the outsourced services. Additionally, it should hire a qualified independent consultant to audit the vendors to enhance achievement of the desired quality standards. Second, VDL should visit Brusa Seatingââ¬â¢s premises in Turkey to inspect the adequacy of its production capacity and to identify the challenges that the company is likely to face in producing seats. This will enable VDL to identify the risks that are likely to reduce the effectiveness of its outsourcing contract with Brusa Seating in order to take timely actions (Kroes Ghosh 2009, pp. 124-143). Finally, VDL should invest in IT and communication techniques to improve its supply chain system. This involves integrating its supply chain system with those of its outsourcing partners to facilitate effective exchange of information and coordination of activities. Integration can be achieved through technologies such as cloud computing and business-to-business e-commerce platforms. Furthermore, VDL should train its employees on various languages to overcome communication challenges. This will facilitate effective communication between the company and its outsourcing partners who are based in various countries. References Aktas, E, Agaran, B, Ulengin, F Onsel, S 2011, The Use of Outsourcing Logistics: The Case of Turkey, Transportation Research Part C, vol. 19 no. 1, pp. 833-852. Barthelemy, J Geyer, D 2001, IT Outsourcing: Evidence from France and Germany, European Management, vol. 19 no. 2, pp. 195-202. Belcourt, M 2006, Outsourcing: The Benefits and the Risks, H uman Resources Management Review, vol. 16 no. 1, pp. 269-279. Brusa 2014, About Brusa, Dolgui, A Proth, J 2013, Outsourcing: Definitions and Analysis, International Journal of Product Research, vol. 51 no. 23, pp. 6769-6777. Foogooa, R 2008, IS Outsourcing: A Strategic Perspective, Business Process Management Journal, vol. 14 no. 6, pp. 858-864. Gabriela, K Clark, D 2006, Outsourcing to China: Risks and Benefits, Computer Law and Security Report, vol. 22 no. 2, pp. 250-253. Jensen, P 2012, A Passage to India: A Dual Case Study of Activities, Processes and Resources in Offshore Outsourcing of Advanced Services, Journal of World Business, vol. 47 no. 1, pp. 311-326. Kobelsky, K Robinson, M 2009, The Impact of Outsourcing on Information Technology Spending, International Journal of Accounting Information systems, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 105-119. Kroes, J Ghosh, S 2009, Outsourcing Congruence with Competitive Priorities: Impact on Supply Chain and Firm Perfo rmance, Journal of Operations Management, 28 no. 1, pp. 124-143. Liu, Z Nagurney, A 2011, Supply Chain Outsourcing Under Exchange Rate Risk and Competition, Omega, vol. 39 no. 1, pp. 539-549. Logan, M 2000, Using Agency Theory to Design Successful Outsourcing relationships, International Journal of Logistics Management, vol. 11 no. 2, pp. 21-31. Mani, D, Barua, A Whinston, A 2006, Successful Governing Business Process Outsourcing Relationships, MIS Quarterly Executive, vol. 5 no. 1, pp. 15-29. Mclvor, R 2008, What is the Right Outsourcing Strategy for Your Process? European Management Journal, vol. 26 no. 2, pp. 24-34. Oshri, I, Kotlarsky, J Willcocks, L 2009, The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring, Palgrave Macmillan, Landon. Outsource2india 2014, Why Outsource2india, Quelin, B Duamel, F 2003, Bringing Together Strategic Outsourcing and Corporate Strategy: Outsourcing Motives and Risks, European Management Journal, vol. 21 no. 5, pp. 647-661. Rottman, J Lacity, M 2006, Proven Practices for Effective Offshoring IT Work, MIT Sloan Management Review, vol. 47 no. 3, pp. 56-63. Ryan, B Delgado-Sanchez, A 2009, Outsourcing relationships: A Case of Accounting Surveillance, Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, vol. 6 no. 1, pp. 52-71. Samsudin, N, Hasim, R Fuzi, S 2013, Electronic Government Outsourcing Issues in Malaysia, Journal of Outsourcing and Organizational Information on Management, vol. 20 no. 3, pp. 1-8. Trott, A 2006, Innovation Risks of Strategic Outsourcing, Technovation, vol. 26 no. 1, pp. 672-681. Tate, W Ellram, L 2009, Offshore Outsourcing: A Managerial Framework, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, vol. 23 no. 4, pp. 256-268. Tayauova, G 2012, Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing: Analysis of Outsourcing Practices of Kazakhstan Banks, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 41 no. 1, pp. 188-195. Varadarajan, R 2008, Outsourcing: Think More Expansively, Journal o f Business Research, vol. 62 no. 2, pp. 1165-1172. VDL 2014, Profile, Weidenbaum, M 2005, Outsourcing: Pros and Cons, Business Horizon, vol. 48 no. 1, pp. 311-315. Williamson, O 2008, Outsourcing: Transaction Cost Economics and Supply Chain Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, vol. 44 no. 2, pp. 5-14. World Bank 2014, Data Bank, This coursework on Outsourcing Seats to Turkey was written and submitted by user JoantheMouse to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How democratic is the constitution essays
How democratic is the constitution essays How democratic is the constitution? Well to get that retort you must first look at what democracy means. It is a word whose meaning has altered over the years. Then you must remember that the constitution itself has been changed since it was written. You should also take a look at the possible motives our founding fathers had when writing it. What were they looking to gain? What did they want to be in command of in the new government? If you put all of that together you should have a pretty good idea how democratic the constitution really is. Or you can just read listen to me right now. In the days of the great Roman Empire everyone was involved in the government. They would all gather and discuss what is going on in the town and what needs to change and how it could be changed. Their classification of democracy was about everyone getting their hands on the process. Gordon Woods essay Democracy and Constitution he writes It meant literally government by the people, referring in the strictest sense to political gatherings of the people in person in town meetings and the like. (7-8). Now with our new America this democracy wouldnt work that well. We as a nation had too many people spread over too much land. There was no place to hold that many people back then let alone now plus it would take months for one and all to get there. It would just not be feasible. Wood goes on to say what was needed to be done by the Founding fathers, ... Americans recognized as democratic the modern refinement of representation, which allowed elected agents to participate in government i n place of the people. (8). He goes on to say that what we installed was a mixed republic with democratic elements (8). A representative democracy is what we like to call it. This new way of democracy was what our constitution would have to be of. When it comes to motivation for the founding fathers you can break it into tw...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Ludvig Von Mises essays
Ludvig Von Mises essays Ludwig von Mises: Defender of the Free Market Ludwig von Misis thoughts on human behavior, socialism, and money and credit have had a major impact on economic thought. He championed true free markets and is seen as a defender of liberty. Former President of the United States Ronald Reagan said Ludwig von Mises was one of the greatest economic thinkers in the history of Western Civilization. Through his seminal works, he rekindled the flames of liberty. As a wise and kindly mentor, he encourages all who sought to understand the meaning of freedom. We owe him an incalculable debt(Mises Institute). The remainder of this paper will outline the life of Ludwig von Mises. This will be accomplished by describing the social, political, technical, and economic environment that influenced his ideas. A description of his major ideas in economic thought will be presented. Next, the people and ideas that influenced his approach to economics will be addressed. Finally, the paper will conclude with an assessment of Ludwig von Mises co ntributions to economic thought. Overview of the Life of Ludwig von Mises Ludwig von Misis was born on September 29, 1881 in Lemberg, Austria. He attended a private elementary school, the public Akademishe Gymnasium in Vienna from1892 to 1900. In 1900 Mises entered the University of Vienna. On February 20,1906 he received a Dr. Jur degree, a Doctor of both Canon and Roman Laws, from the University of Vienna. When Mises attended the University, it had no separate economics department; the only way to study economics was through law (Mises Institute). From 1907 to 1914 Mises was employed as an advisor to the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. His first major thesis, the Theory of Money and Credit was published in 1912. In 1913 Mises was awarded the position of Privatdozent (unsalaried lecturer) at the University of Vienna (Mises Institute). Mises academic pursuits were interrupted from ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Societal Changes in Women Status 30s-70s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Societal Changes in Women Status 30s-70s - Essay Example These changes as represented by the pendulum have political and economic influences being the major cause affecting these changes. However, individual women have impressively changed the concept of the woman as gender perception as seen by Maya Angelou who during the world second war aspired to be a street car conductor and ended up being the first African American street car conductor thanks to her relentless applications (Collins, 2003). In his intriguing and captivating book, Collins gives examples of heroines like Hannah Dustan who in 1697 escaped from her captors by slitting them and returned to her home to a jubilated welcome. The book gives a wide range of inspiring examples of women thus the other meaning of the pendulum swinging wide. There are quite a number of historical facts that paved way to the behavior of women in the 20th century particularly between the 1930s to the 1970s. For example, in 1637 the law had to be changed after Ann fowler was sentenced to 20 lashes when she verbally abused a county justice by the name of Adam Thorowgood in Virginia (Walsh, 2010). It was then stated that husbands were no longer liable for damages caused by their wives. In Pennsylvania, single impoverished women were forced to wear bras with the letter P which stood for pauper whenever they appeared in public. In world war two, there were over 1000 women pilots, but they could only fly planes that were grounded. This meant that they could not leave the ground, so they only towed the planes for either takeoff or landing for inexperienced male pilots. Despite this, over 80% of the reading public was female at the time. This had a positive impact on American scholarship history, for women were inevitably placed on the same class as the men. The book celebrates women like the Grimke sisters, Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth, Jane Addams, and Dolores Huerta who have arguably influenced the behavior of women in the 1920s and beyond. It is reported that the American Government and cultural leaders sent mixed messages to women regarding their social status, work, education and family through domestic policies gender roles and design of their positions in society. The American government having been influenced by philosophical advocates under nongovernmental organizations on gender equality weakened the family by legitimizing divorce. It also had no policy that supports in any way, infertile women giving rise to promiscuity and rise of immorality. More so infertile women had a high probability of dying during pregnancy and feared to give birth leading to a lower birthrate during the 1920s, and the government still did not address this issue (Smith, 2005). The cultural leaders particularly the Catholics in the na me of ââ¬Ëmodernityââ¬â¢ reduced the number of grants for memorial masses for the dead. This in turn no longer inspired the young generation to give birth to a new generation. So population did not grow as intended, and marriage, which is the sole unit for conception was not as recognized as should have been. In his book ââ¬Ëutopia against the familyââ¬â¢ Bryce J. Christensen mentions organizations like the American home economics declaring that families have nothing to do with blood marriage legal ties or adoption, instead states that it is of two or more persons who share similar resources, responsibilities goals and virtues over a period of time. Politicians and the media have picked this mentality and spread it
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